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Voice Details

Written by @ItaloKnox

The first step for every patch is to make the voice patch. It all starts from there and branches out into graphics, ADV, and lipsync.

Patching resources

To make these patches, of course, we need some resources. In the list below you can find the links to every resource available in our project:

  • HigurashiPS3 Script: TODO - ask mod team if you need this - Full transcript of every voice in the game. Directly taken from the PS3 script, it's a requirement to use this file while doing manual work. See Manual work details.
  • Higruashi Voices: TODO - ask mod team if you need these


Assembly-CSharp.dll code

 public void PlaySE(string filename, int channel, float volume, float pan)
     AudioLayer item = this.channelDictionary[this.GetChannelByTypeChannel(AudioType.SE, channel)];
     if (item.IsPlaying())
     item.PlayAudio(filename, AudioType.SE, volume, false);

Script usage

In the example below, we have an excerpt from onik_001.txt, in the voices-only format:

//「...その前に聞きたい@ あの漬物を漬けたのはレナか@ レナのお母さんか?@
    PlaySE( 4, "s19/01/hr_kei00130", 300, 64 );
    OutputLine(NULL, "「…その前に聞きたい。",
           NULL, "\"...I'd like to ask something before that.", Line_WaitForInput);
    PlaySE( 4, "s19/01/hr_kei00140", 300, 64 );
    OutputLine(NULL, " あの漬物を漬けたのはレナか?",
           NULL, " Were you the one who pickled them, Rena?", Line_WaitForInput);
    PlaySE( 4, "s19/01/hr_kei00150", 300, 64 );
    OutputLine(NULL, " レナのお母さんか?」",
           NULL, " Or was it your mom?\"", Line_WaitForInput);
    OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);

Code breakdown

  • PlaySE( 4, "s19/01/hr_kei00130", 300, 64 );
    • PlaySE(channel, "filename", volume, pan)
      • PlaySE calls the "play sound effect" function. It's mainly used for sound effects but can also be used for voices.
      • channel max value is 8. It's a good habit to keep it above 2. Voices that plays simultaneously with other voices need to be added one channel above.
      • "filename" refers to the path where the voice is located. The extension (usually *.ogg) is hidden by default.
      • volume refers to the voice volume. Max value unknown, 300 should be loud.
      • pan refers to audio panning. You can move the channel from left to right with this. It's never used, the default value is 64.


Assembly-CSharp.dll code

        public void MODPlayVoiceLS(string filename, int channel, float volume, int character)
            MODTextController.MODCurrentVoiceLayerDetect = channel;
            AudioLayer audio = this.channelDictionary[this.GetChannelByTypeChannel(AudioType.Voice, channel)];
            if (this.currentAudio[AudioType.Voice].ContainsKey(channel))
            this.currentAudio[AudioType.Voice].Add(channel, new AudioInfo(volume, filename));
            if (audio.IsPlaying())
            audio.PlayAudio(filename, AudioType.Voice, volume, false);
            if (MODSystem.instance.modSceneController.MODLipSyncBoolCheck(character))
                GameSystem.Instance.SceneController.MODLipSyncStart(character, channel, filename);
            if (GameSystem.Instance.IsAuto)
                    GameSystem.Instance.AddWait(new Wait(audio.GetRemainingPlayTime(), WaitTypes.WaitForVoice, null));

Script usage

In newer patches, however, the code is fully processed to be ready for features such as the lipsync and ADV. Because of that (see Assembly-CSharp.dll), the syntax requires a new function called ModPlayVoiceLS. It also comes with a new structure:

//「...その前に聞きたい@ あの漬物を漬けたのはレナか@ レナのお母さんか?@
    if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("<color=#956f6e>圭一</color>", NULL, "<color=#956f6e>Keiichi</color>", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
    ModPlayVoiceLS(3, 1, "s19/01/hr_kei00130", 256, TRUE);
    OutputLine(NULL, "「…その前に聞きたい。",
           NULL, "\"...I'd like to ask something before that.", Line_WaitForInput);
    ModPlayVoiceLS(3, 1, "s19/01/hr_kei00140", 256, TRUE);
    OutputLine(NULL, " あの漬物を漬けたのはレナか?",
           NULL, " Were you the one who pickled them, Rena?", Line_WaitForInput);
    ModPlayVoiceLS(3, 1, "s19/01/hr_kei00150", 256, TRUE);
    OutputLine(NULL, " レナのお母さんか?」",
           NULL, " Or was it your mom?\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
    if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

Code breakdown

  • ModPlayVoiceLS(3, 1, "s19/01/hr_kei00130", 256, TRUE);
    • ModPlayVoiceLS(channel, character, "filename", volume, TRUE/FALSE);
      • ModPlayVoiceLS calls the new "Mod Play Voice LipSync" function. It's a newer version independent of PlaySE that was previously used to play voices.
      • channel max value is 8. It's a good habit to keep it above 2. Voices that plays simultaneously with other voices need to be added one channel above.
      • character is the folder where the sprites for the character will be loaded. In the example, the voice is s19/01/hr_kei00130, so 01 is also the character folder for sprites.
      • "filename" refers to the path where the voice is located. The extension (usually *.ogg) is hidden by default.
      • volume refers to the voice volume. Max value unknown, 256 should be loud.
      • TRUE/FALSE turns on or off the lipsync feature for that specific voice. It's recommended to leave this option always on TRUE.

It is good to remember that the code snippet above does not only include syntax for the voices and lipsync, it also includes syntax for the ADV Mode. Check out ADV Mode for more information.


Assembly-CSharp.dll code


Script usage

ModDrawCharacterWithFiltering(3, 10, "sprite/normal/iri1_def2_", "1", "right", 1, 160, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 300, TRUE );

Code breakdown

  • ModDrawCharacterWithFiltering(3, 10, "sprite/normal/iri1_def2_", "1", "right", 1, 160, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 300, TRUE );
    • ModDrawCharacterWithFiltering(sprite layer, voice folder, "sprite image", static sprite, fade-in mask, ?, horizontal, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, level, fade-in, parallel);
      • ModDrawCharacterWithFiltering calls a function for drawing a character with a fade-in.
      • sprite layer Numerical.
      • voice folder is the folder where the voices for the character will be loaded.
      • sprite image refers to the path of the sprite image to use minus the last character(e.g. "sprite/normal/iri1def2")
      • static sprite which sprite to use if lipsync is disabled.
      • fade-in mask the mask that controls the fade-in animation.
      • horizontal horizontal coordinates to draw the character at.
      • level the level that characters are drawn at (if they overlap, the one with a lower level is drawn on top of the other).
      • fade-in the speed in milliseconds the sprite fades in.
      • parallel determines if the system should continue before the sprite finishes drawing (setting it to TRUE allows you to have multiple sprites fading in at once).

This page continues on Automated voice inserter.